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Click the links below to order direct from the printer or to get e-reader versions from Amazon.

Till Tomorrow

ISBN: 978-0692717783


The highly anticipated 3rd Ray Gordon mystery!


Ray just wants to win the Cedar Lake Chess Tournament and enjoy some alone time with his new girlfriend. He's in the right place, just at the wrong time.


When a man in a nearby town is killed, fears related to another brutal death decades before begin to surface. Has the old evil returned? Who else is in danger? Small town secrets, hidden agendas, long held grudges, and thousands of acres of forest for a bloodthirsty killer to hide in combine to make Ray wonder if anyone will make it...till tomorrow.

Even Dead Men Play Chess

ISBN: 978-0692430613


The first Ray Gordon!


Making house calls or meeting people in public places is how Ray Gordon makes his living. He’s not a doctor. He’s not a prostitute. Ray Gordon is a chess teacher.

When one of Ray’s students, Walter Kelly, is found dead in his shop, the police and his family let it go as an accident.  As a former cop with a lingering curiosity, Ray snoops around and stumbles into the murky world of methamphetamine, the worst drug epidemic of our time.

The problem? Walter Kelly was sixty-five years old and his only addictions were woodworking and chess. How does a sixty-five-year-old man become involved with illegal drugs? Why is a neighbor glad Walter’s dead? And just how do dead men play chess?

The Grandmaster's King

ISBN: 978-0692434772


Award-winning mystery!


The favorite to win the US Chess Championship is found dead. Was it suicide, or murder? Unfortunately the cop who lands the case is Ray Gordon's former partner - and the two haven't spoken in years for good reason. Since the victim was a friend and he doesn't trust the police investigation, Ray decides to take matter into his own hands. When others begin to diappear though, Ray finds himself deep within a savage game that becomes personal in more ways than one.



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